Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Next New

Suggest a new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist. Describe it.

This was this week's prompt It is always difficult to think creatively about what doesn't yet exist, especially when there is a lot that does exist within the same field. Therefore, I tried to think about where are as a species and what type of things we are interested in, including where our society is headed.

This talk of the future and media, naturally made me think about a masterpiece of a TV show called Black Mirror. Some of you may have already heard about it or seen it, and if you haven't, you can get a quick preview of what its about and what it involves in this Huffington Post article titled 'Black Mirror' is the One Show You Need To Watch On Netflix Over The Holidays. Because of its focus on a dystopian future that is actually very possible, it came to mind when asked bout the future of New Media.

Inspired by the first episode of the third season, I see a new form of new media taking over our lives in the not-so-distant future. A future where we are all part of a social networking system where our livelihood is based on other people's judgements. Today, a lot of what we do, a t least in a 'western' society has to do with social networking websites where we keep in touch with other by posting what we want others to see, and by responding, or judging what others want us to see. By rating each other, we will have an average rate out of 5 or 10, that will also decide our wealth, where we can buy a home, whether we can buy a home in the first place, and what school we go to.  The scores will be based on how pleasant we are to be around, personality-wise and physically.

Up till now, I have focused on the positive aspects of new media, but it is important to recognize the dangers too in order to encourage it to go in the right direction. After all, it is in our hands.

If you do not want to watch the whole hour or the episode or do not have access to it, you can watch parts of it in this YouTube video.


  1. Great post Nanar, I've heard many good things about Black Mirror. This idea of a new media would be frightening, just from viewing the Youtube video you linked it shows a fake society where everyone acts like they are nice and care for others just to be rated high by everyone. In theory, people would think everyone would treat people better because they can get 5 stars for it but a society can not function or progress by lies.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for your kind words Syed. That is pretty much what the show tries to show its viewers. That new types of new media in the future can be very harmful and have an impact on society and how it functions as whole. I just think we should be a little more careful about where it is headed and what we can do to keep ourselves safe!

    Thanks for your comment! :)

  4. I agree with you that social media has already taken over our lives enough. Imagine if the vision shown in Black Mirror came to be true: That social media will actually rank and us points on our values to the world. That would be a horrible thought.
