Friday, October 12, 2018

Blog about Twitter

Twitter isn't usually associated with anything school-related, so using Twitter as a discussion tool for class is interesting. It changes the way I look at Twitter and the way I view discussion posts.

The classic Blackboard discussion posts allow students to post and respond to other students' posts, but it is limited in the sense that it does not notify the students when someone has responded to their comment, and it does not have a feed like Twitter does. Discussion on Twitter allows students to like the posts and make their own posts by retweeting and quoting the other students. As most people know, however, Twitter limits the amount of characters to 280, so students have to keep it short and go straight to the point. It's difficult to compare it to in-class discussions because those tend to be oral, have no character limit, and happen very fast, allowing face-to-face interactions. Additionally, it's important to say that Twitter and Blackboard can allow for people to say things filtering because being behind the screen might give them the courage to do it, whereas in an in-class discussion, students tend to be more reserved.

Let me know if you agree or disagree.
Thanks for reading,
See you!



  1. We both share the same opinion about Twitter! The fact that there's a limitation on character counts make every Tweet important, like a statement. Users have to think and make their tweets concise and brief.

  2. Yes, exactly!
    Perhaps this makes them think about what they are going to say more critically too.
