Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Social Media to the Rescue!

New Media Project:
After careful consideration, I realized that I am interested in researching the positive effects of new media, specifically social media, on people who have psychological and physical disabilities. Social media is a phenomenon that most of us are exposed to and use on a daily basis. It is interesting to see how social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram change people's social lives, especially those who have disabilities that do not allow them to completely embrace the social aspect of their lives. Physical and psychological disabilities do differ in many different ways, but the idea that they have social impairments is similar in both cases. Furthermore, I have found scholarly articles, as well as many websites specifically created for those who are disabled, which will develop and support build my project along the way.

Officially a Blogger!

Hello to everyone and anyone who is actually reading this post.
I would firstly like to thank you for taking your time and visiting my blog.

For reasons that I now realize I don't really understand, I have always thought blogging is something that is done by people who are professionals, who have very important things to discuss and by people who actually know how to do it.
By taking a New Media course at Baruch college, which is currently underway, I have realized that it is for anyone who has absolutely anything to say. It provides people with a voice that they otherwise would not have. It is simply up to others to actually read it and share it.

Thanks again for reading and I hope my posts will see you again.

All the best,
